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AC waveforms in the application of hydraulic solenoid valve coils


The application of AC waveforms in the hydraulic solenoid valve coil is mainly based on the current characteristics of its periodic changes. When the AC current is through the coil, the magnetic field of the intercourse will be generated, thereby controlling the switching status of the hydraulic solenoid valve. Compared with DC waveforms, AC waveforms have unique advantages in certain application scenarios.
The characteristics of AC waveform
Periodic change: The current value of AC waveforms is periodic changes over time, which helps reduce the heat of the coil, because the current has positive and negative values ​​in each cycle, which achieves the mutual offset of energy.
Frequency adjustment: The frequency of AC waveforms can be adjusted according to actual needs. Different frequencies will affect the switch speed, response time and stability of the hydraulic solenoid valve.
Strong anti -interference ability: Due to the characteristics of periodic changes in AC waveforms, it has certain resistance to certain types of electromagnetic interference.
Application of AC waveforms in coil design
Circuit turbine and inductance: When designing hydraulic electromagnetic valve coils, you need to determine the number and inductance of the coil according to the characteristics of the AC waveform. The more turns, the greater the inductance, but it will also increase the heat and manufacturing cost of the coil. Therefore, under the premise of meeting performance requirements, the number of coil turns and inductances should be selected reasonably.
Insulation material selection: Since the AC waveforms generate an alternating electric field and magnetic field, the insulation material of the coil needs to have good voltage resistance and temperature resistance. Usually, high -temperature and aging -resistant insulation materials are selected to ensure the long -term stable operation of the coil.
Heating design: Although AC waveforms help reduce the heat of the coil, the coil may still produce high calories in high frequency or high -power application scenarios. Therefore, the heat dissipation structure of the coil is needed reasonably, such as increasing the heat sink and the use of materials with good thermal conductivity.

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